Add a virtual element to the clinical workflow you already know and use

Virtual medicine appointments have never been more easy, efficient and secure

Learn about the status of Banty Virtual Clinic
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With Banty Virtual Clinic you can conduct online doctor’s appointments in a streamlined manner that’s easy for healthcare professionals and patients alike.

For years, doctors have been trying their best to treat patients remotely either over the phone, or via video conference solutions that use complicated meeting room links and passwords. Banty has come up with a better way.

How Does Banty Virtual Clinic Function?

To begin an appointment, all the patient needs is their clinic’s unique Banty room address, i.e.
Think of this as a point of entry similar to a phone number.

Once that address has been entered, the patient will be prompted to provide their name, date of birth, health card number, reason for visit, as well as other information usually sought by a clinic’s receptionist.

The receptionist will see that a patient has entered their virtual clinic and can validate the information provided in their EMR. If everything is correct, the patient will be checked in and a nurse will be notified.

While being transferred to the nurse, the patient can manually enter their additional information like weight, height, and blood pressure. The data captured here can also be downloaded and exported into an EMR.

After the appropriate information has been gathered by both parties, the patient will be passed to the doctor. The patient will not need to do anything, as the clinical team will move them through each step of the virtual appointment.

The patient will be able to have high-quality video conversations with those at the medical clinic. Since it is HIPAA/PHIPA compliant, everything disclosed during appointments will remain private and secure.

Banty Virtual Clinic was designed to mimic the workflow of an in-person appointment. Once the patient is online, the clinical team can pass them through each phase of the appointment. The doctor will not need to handle any administrative tasks.
With just the click of a button, patients can be transferred from the administrative assistant, to the nurse, to the doctor, and back again if need be.

Custom Banty Room Address

Each medical clinic gets to create a custom Banty room address. This is the only link patients will need in order to access their online appointment. A clinic can change this room address when/if necessary.

Clinic Dashboard

The dashboard allows the clinical team to see which patients are waiting to check in for their virtual appointment, as well as those waiting to be seen; past sessions; a list of online/offline clinical staff members; and pertinent notifications.

Patient Queue

Clinical staff share the same dashboard view and can see patients who have entered the virtual clinic for their appointment. Staff can create filters to focus only on the patients assigned to them, or all patients in general.

Patient Profile

Clinics can log patient meeting activity including when an appointment began, how long it lasted, who they were transferred to, and notes shared amongst staff. These details can be downloaded at the end of an appointment.

Custom and Shared Rooms

Clinics can create an unlimited number of custom rooms for select staff members to use. This enables other clinic staff to conduct an appointment with a patient whose assigned doctor is running late, or unavailable.

Peer-to-Peer Communication

Clinic staff can chat with each other within the platform. To facilitate a private discussion regarding a patient, a staff member can add notes to the patient profile for others on the team to read.


Email, SMS and push notifications ensure that you are alerted as soon as a patient is ready to see you. Users can customize their notifications under ‘Settings.’

Versatile Video Feed

Adjust the bandwidth of your video call so that it’s in-tune with your Internet speed. For poor connections, calls can be converted to audio only.

Additional Features

Easily download call logs to any EMR

Place patients on hold

Add notes about patients to share with clinical staff

Text chat with patients or other members of the clinical staff

Invite others to join an appointment

Share your screen

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Banty Virtual Clinic help healthcare professionals?
Banty provides both healthcare professionals and patients with the flexibility and efficiency that other video conferencing products do not offer. The easy-to-navigate workflow model will prove itself to be a tool that changes the face of virtual medicine.
How does a patient enter the online clinic?
When signing up for a Banty Virtual Clinic account, the clinic gets to create a custom URL (i.e., This is the only link a patient will need to use in order to begin their online doctor’s appointment. The custom URL can be edited over time. If this happens, though, please inform patients that how they access their telehealth video conferencing appointments has changed.
Is Banty Virtual Clinic secure?
Yes. Banty Virtual Clinic is HIPAA/PHIPA compliant for telemedicine. What’s more, end-to-end encryption adds an additional level of security to ensure all discussions between a patient and the clinical staff remain private.
What type of information is logged during patient visits?
For medical video conferencing appointments held through Banty Virtual Clinic, it’s important to know what type of information can be logged. Here, clinics can log patient appointment activity. This includes how long an appointment lasted, as well as who a patient was transferred to, plus notes shared amongst staff. Such information can be downloaded at the end of an appointment and documented in the clinic’s EMR.
What is the purpose of custom and shared rooms?
Clinics can create an unlimited number of rooms on Banty Workflow in order to best handle an influx of patients. Specifically, if a doctor is running behind, a patient can be easily re-routed to a shared room and seen by someone else on the clinical staff.

Upgrade to Banty Virtual Clinic today and give your patients the ultimate virtual medicine experience!