How to Set Up your Virtual Showroom

Utilise the Video Call to Boost Online Shopping for your Products

It’s the age of virtual retail. Online shopping platforms are the new superstores. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, terms like “retail apocalypse” were being tossed around in relation to major closures of physical shopping venues. Of course, many physical retail locations are likely to survive and thrive, but their market share is simply narrower for the time being and the foreseeable future. Online shopping is here to stay. Some of your competitors likely already have an online store. But how many of them will regularly jump on a video call online in their virtual shops to promote their products? Setting up a virtual showroom with video conferencing software online is the ultimate showroom solution for your virtual shop. That’s because your virtual store’s online showroom will be the ultimate interactive experience. None of that pre-recorded, click based interaction. You and your team can interact with customers about any products, goods, or services you offer; live!

So here’s a few steps to take for optimising your virtual showroom setup with video conferencing software.

1. Use the Right Video Chatting Platform

If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right. A video chatting platform rich with features that both host and guest can easily use is a primary asset for the virtual showroom that you set up for your online shop. The good news is you can try all of Banty’s terrifically rich and easy to use features, free of charge for 14 whole days.

Give a presentation to a client down the street or 5000 miles away by sharing your screen in three primary different ways. Experience less lagging, interruptions and bugs than other virtual meeting platforms. Take screen sharing further by showing your clients a YouTube video of your product in action. You can even share a whiteboard with your clients to illustrate quick ideas or diagrams on the fly. So a total of five screen sharing features! Beyond these features, you can also poll your guests if you’re giving a presentation to multiple clients, to see which of your offers are more popular.

You can leave your Banty video showroom unlocked for clients to pop in and out of it all day! Do that and so much more by trying any of Banty’s subscription platforms, free of charge for a full fourteen days.

2. Setup a Physical Space

Like Yin and Yang, the virtual and the physical will always go together. The entire point of a virtual experience is to simulate a physical experience whilst conveniently eliminating the need for physical presence at the virtual destination. You don’t need a large physical space, it doesn’t even have to be an entire room. 

But positioning your camera properly, at an appropriate distance from your products and yourself (or team mates), setting up some lighting and a nice background for your products, and generally optimising your display set up will make for a much richer showing experience than you or your coworkers just kind of jumping into cyberspace from your desk and then bringing up items to the camera, or carrying your device over to close up on items.

Your online shopping virtual showroom could be as simple as a properly arranged and well-lit corner, to a professionally set up home studio, or even a full production studio. The key is to optimise how your wares, goods and products are displayed. If you need help setting up the space for your online showroom via any video conferencing software, launching an online event with our Banty Plus or Banty Virtual Events services can include developing your initial video call showroom setup, which you can continue using independently in the future!

3. Display your Products Appropriately

Is there a product you’d like to prioritise selling? Or perhaps one that sells more easily than others? Are there products you sell better than your teammates and products they sell better than you? Depending on who’s on duty in the virtual showroom, your particular market requirements, and any other factors you can think of, lay out a plan for how your products are displayed and possibly which other products you or your coworkers should have handy off camera just in case someone asks. Large online shopping platforms are part of the future, but not all of it. Individual online stores have enormous potential as well. And utilising video calling software to build virtual showrooms for shopping online puts you a step ahead of your competition. View all of Banty’s video conferencing solutions if you’d like to start getting ahead of your competition today.

At this point in time, few enough of your competitors have virtual showrooms, and even fewer of them have one setup on a perpetual video call cycle. You’re about to join the pioneers of a tremendous change in online retail. Good luck with your virtual business expansion. We can’t wait to be a part of it.

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Abdallah Al Alfy

Alfy is a content writer of 17 years, writing in multiple literary and content disciplines, and translating professionally since his early teens. Full name of Abdallah Al Alfy, he is also a licensed pharmacist in multiple countries. Alfy’s pharmaceutical background has often been an asset in scientific and medical writing.