Banty is Better for Patients

Enhance their telemedicine experience with Banty even further!

Do you work in healthcare? Are you a doctor, a registered nurse, or perhaps a medical administrator? Whatever your healthcare profession, the odds are you understand the value of telemedicine. Likely, you also know that not all telemedicine software platforms are developed equal. If you or perhaps your clinical coworkers have accounts with Banty Virtual Clinic, you definitely know what it’s like to operate premium video conferencing solutions to offer your telemedicine patients the best possible virtual healthcare services. Just allowing your patients the chance to use Banty Virtual Clinic from their browsers for virtual visits with your workplace, exemplifies the virtual health platform your workplace offers. 

But while Banty automatically offers your patients a spectacular level of service, there’s more you can do to enhance their experience even further! Does that surprise you to hear? It shouldn’t. Telemedicine is a collaborative endeavour. Great telemedicine software platforms are the best start, but they can only do so much on their own. Luckily, teams which select great virtual healthcare technology for their patients are usually fantastic teams to begin with. Keep reading for a list of things to enhance your patients’ experience with Banty below!

1. Sign Up for Banty Virtual Clinic

We mean that. No joke. If you haven’t already signed up your team for Banty Virtual Clinic, go ahead now! Aside from being a prime choice for virtual healthcare services, an entire section of this article guide relies specifically on features from Banty Virtual Clinic. It’s also a very logical idea. Pioneering premium telemedicine software platforms, Banty offers you a free trial for fourteen whole days! So you can sign up for Banty Virtual Clinic and test out the services to your heart’s content, without being charged a dime until you’re satisfied you found the right telemedicine software platform for your patients.

Of course, the reason we offer you this free trial is our confidence that you’ll want to continue using Banty Virtual Clinic for your team. Once you see how easily your patients receive your virtual healthcare services from our platform and how easily they interact with your team through the Banty Virtual Clinic platform, it will become obvious that Banty is better for your patients. In the meantime, feel free to explore every great feature Banty Virtual Clinic has to offer for a full fourteen days! Help as many patients as your team can virtually see for free. Then decide.

2. Personalise Their Experience

Using virtual health platforms may be new for many people. It’s important that your telemedicine patient feels comfortable enough to share any medical concerns or answer any questions virtually. For this to happen, your team needs to be just as concerned with establishing professional rapport during a verified virtual visit with a patient as they would during a physical, in-person visit. One way to do this is to depart from the casual approach to video calls. It may help if a specialised member of staff, like a receptionist, started the visit by greeting the patient in the usual manner, before passing on the video call to the medical professional.

This would serve as an introductory prompt for professional rapport. The medical professional may also choose to employ a few visual aids to induce the familiar feeling of an in-person medical visit during a virtual one. Perhaps wearing a stethoscope or a whitecoat, or placing anatomic models on the desk or other medical charts and posters behind, in the background. These visual aids may prompt a feeling of professional rapport on both a conscious and unconscious level.

After using introductory and visual prompts to induce professional rapport, the medical professional’s manner should be consistent with the established rapport. A good awareness of the patient’s relevant medical history and a reassuring manner whenever possible are excellent ways to start.

When speaking to patients on telemedicine software platforms, it is advisable that the medical professional looks directly into the camera lens. This is because doing so simulates eye contact in the patient’s perception when they look at the screen. If the camera is not positioned to make that feasible it may be advisable to reposition it.

It also helps to have a patient chart (or any other relevant info) handy in printed form, or on a separate tablet. Review it within sight of the camera lens when needed. Your telemedicine patient may be unaware that the medical professional is reading his or her chart on the same screen through which they’re interacting. It may seem like your patient is not getting enough attention if your team members read patient charts on the same screen they interact with patients through.

3. Utilise Banty’s Features

Banty Virtual Clinic has a total of five Screen Sharing features. Not many telemedicine software platforms offer that many different Screen Sharing options. The reason this level of screen sharing was made available to your team is because medical professionals often need to share information with their patients. At a clinic, or a practice, or a hospital, this information might be shared in the form of printouts, informational pamphlets or booklets. The information may also be an explanation from a medical professional accompanying a physical copy of a patient’s x-rays, MRI scans, blood results or medical charts.

For a telemedicine patient, the sharing of this information has to be digital. And while you could certainly just email that kind of information if regulations permit, patients looking at the exact same information as their healthcare givers while they explain things in real time is certainly a better standard of care.

The three main Screen Sharing options you can choose from at the click of a button during a video conference with Banty Virtual Clinic are sharing; your Entire Screen, a Window from your screen, and a Tab from your Google Chrome browser. Sharing a browser tab is particularly useful if you want to share reliable online sources of information, given the amount of misinformation available on the internet to patients nowadays. Sharing a window from your screen or all of it could also be helpful with things like blood results and x-rays.

Now if the virtual health care needs of the patient are somewhat unique, you could also input a link to an educational youtube video to play on real time for both your screens, with no lag or delay. If there is something you need to specifically illustrate, you can utilise the option to share a whiteboard with the patient and literally draw quick diagrams on the fly!

4. Noise Control

Telemedicine doesn’t just make life easier for your team’s patients. Ideally, a telemedicine platform is best used from the workplace for most medical professionals. However, in a pinch, it allows your team to work from home as well. Or anywhere they need to really. As long as it’s safe for patient information to be processed and exchanged. But whether it’s happening from the office, the practice, the home or the car, it’s important for the session that there be minimum interruptions, as far as noise is concerned.

Generally, noise levels are easier to control in healthcare offices, which is partly why telemedicine software platforms are ideal for use from the workplace. Things may be trickier at home, specifically if you have a rambunctious pet or a somewhat unruly child. Never fear, however! Take but a few measures and your problems with noise whilst patients consult you through telemedicine software platforms will be considerably reduced. Consider a reliable noise cancelling device which you can set up to limit surrounding sounds with disruptive potential.

You could also go for a hands-on, physical approach to controlling any potential noise. If you’re working at home, standard actions include making sure all doors and windows in the house are closed, and wherever possible, layer that with additional noise control by closing the door to the area you’re working within the home.

For the odd outdoor verified virtual visit, it might be helpful to seek some semi open shelter of some sort. Your car, perhaps. Maybe a wind barrier, if one is available or some type of outdoor booth or gazebo. Other tips to control noise on video platforms include hanging a coat somewhere strategic or positioning oneself somewhere with less air currents.

These are a few things you could do to make your telemedicine patients’ experience better with Banty. Sign up your team for Banty Virtual Clinic today!

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Abdallah Al Alfy

Alfy is a content writer of 17 years, writing in multiple literary and content disciplines, and translating professionally since his early teens. Full name of Abdallah Al Alfy, he is also a licensed pharmacist in multiple countries. Alfy’s pharmaceutical background has often been an asset in scientific and medical writing.